Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Shout to Employment

"Yay! I finally had one step towards achieiving a stable career," for a fresh graduate who finally had his / her first job, this would be the statement. I had my first job, but would that be really considered a job?

For a nurse in the Philippines, competition between nurses are felt when finding a job, impressing the supervisor, or even working as a volunteer. The time I started as a volunteer, I felt tension rising between me and my colleagues. It felt somewhat disturbing or maybe intimidating because you might get left behind if you don't do something about it. So what I do is that, I try to do what I know as a nurse, sometimes showing off just to let your supervisors notice you. Admit it or not, we tend to be showing off, we are not just aware of it. I knew I have to do my best if I really wanted to be absorbed as a staff. But sometimes, I get lazy and all especially when I am on a graveyard shift. I just finish all what I had to do on time then take a nap for 2 hours. Yes, take a nap. I love what I do as a nurse, but still different when you get paid. I just thought that in time when I finish this, I can have what I want, a stable job.

Its really difficult trying to do your best when you felt you don't get reward for anything that you do. But think twice, there is a reason why you entered this path. Yes, for the situation of nurses here in the Philippines, to obtain an adequate period of experience so we can finally jump abroad for a better nurse job. With this kind of volunteering, I still find myself and my other co-volunteers being exploited. But do we have a choice?

I experienced being yelled at by a patient. I also have experienced a doctor getting mad for my actions. I skip my timely meals, I forget my full bladder just to attend what I have to do. I use my own money and allowance to work, but sill no salary. I just hope that by the end, all of this will turn to gold.

I was once chatting with my friends previously regarding issues on applications of nurses to some hospital institutions. What I hate most is the "Palakasan" or "Kapit" or in english term, "Strong Connection" system. Take for an example, two fresh graduate nurses who applied as a staff nurse. One has to undergo all through the systems of the hospital for application while the other says, "Good thing, I have someone who can help me inside". Her aunt, mom, a family friend, mom's close friend, my bestfriend's mom who works there. This other party doesn't have to take exam. "Just send me your resume and I'll take part in everything." I mean what? Yeah sure, I'm jealous 'cause I get to spend and wait for a week for what I will do next while you get to wait for a minute until you can start your job. Its totally unfair. That's why Philippines nurses have no other choice but to be left unemployed or underemployed and worse - exploited. I wish that someday this kind of system would be gone. Its corrupt, its unfair for those who do not have power.

I cannot blame others for taking this advantage because of the competition for employment. But I hope they could also consider others who can do better than those who have power and sometimes an empty shell.

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