Friday, January 20, 2012

When You Thought You Were Alone

I logged in my account here in blogger, clicked "new post" and directed me to a large blank text box. I stared at it blankly then began to turn my sight to the keyboard of my laptop. A lot of things are coming through my mind today, whether should I continue to type these words or perhaps not. But stillI, here it is, I did.

I realized that since that day that I finished school, finished my review course for my licensure exam I have been staying at home almost everyday. I haven't had any job yet, but I am planning to apply to this institution and indeed preparing myself for it. I did go out at times, but no one to hang out with. Maybe I did turn myself out, away from the people I knew. I tried my best to keep in touch but maybe it wasn't enough - to just keep in touch.

As they say, "people come and go". Judging that phrase, and thinking about it, maybe I was the one who had gone off. Maybe I was the one who turned my back. I couldn't recall anything or a moment spared turning my back to world where I came from. I knew that I always did remember, and never did I forget. I would credit them for welcoming me and making myself fit to that space, since I won't be me if it wasn't for them. I am indeed grateful.

As I glanced behind me, there's only one person that I saw who had always been there no matter how long his distance may be, the one who considers me his life. It is indeed true that the one who holds your heart and holds his in return can only be there for you, no matter what the circumstances are. I remember a video I watched on YouTube previously about a Chinese explanation why the band ring must be worn on your ring finger. It goes like this:

1. Put your hands together and placing each palm of your hand facing together, then fold both your middle fingers, keeping the other fingers unfolded and attached to one another like the photo below:

2. Each of the finger unfolded represents each of your family relationships. The thumb represents your parents; index finger represents your siblings; the ring finger represents your spouse; and the pinky represents your children.
3. Try to lift each unfolded finger without detaching the middle finger. You would observe that all the other fingers can be lifted away from each other except the ring finger. That is because the thumb which represents your parents wouldn't last forever, and you soon will leave them once you started your own job, your own family. The index finger that represents your siblings will also leave you in return as they will also have their own lives, their own family. Your pinky which represents your children will also leave you the time that they have their own family too. But the ring finger which cannot be lifted alone or detached from each other represents your spouse. Which means that wherever, whatever happens, your spouse will always be there for you and no matter what the circumstances are he / she will always be there to help, support, and most of all, hold your hand against the world.

I could somehow see myself into it. I am not married yet, but this present relationship I have seems to be going to more that just being a relationship. Honestly, I started to feel that way already that no matter what life had become for me, he was always there. And I guess, that's what matters to me now. Being there for him too. I feel so sad, and I thought I was alone but realizing that he was always there is enough. I may not be recalled by the people I knew but it felt more heartwarming knowing that he alone remembers me. That's enough for me than to ask the others to remember me.

If you have this person, never let him / her go.Realize what you have now before it is gone. When the world turns against you, he / she will alone remain with you and you will never regret it.

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