Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Ability to Express Oneself Through Writing

I look back the previous years of my life and saw my self learning a lot of things. We all did in fact. We learned new skills, developed new interests. But most of this skills and interest I learned and had passed away. But there is one thing I haven't loose yet, my ability to write and express myself - and to write so much words which I always did in high school! This is it, I am doing it again!

I first started writing about things when I was, I guess 7 -8 years old. I used to write on a diary. Believe me, a 90's born child did. Diaries were hip during those times and the diaries have pad locks and scented pages. They also have  colorful pages too (those who agree, thumbs up!!). So, I used to write anything on a small notebook. I even drew silly pictures on it. I developed this sense of writing almost about everything when I was 9 years old. It progressed to story writing when I was 10 years old. I swear I know the notebooks I wrote these stories are still on our province - in my old room! I love my reading subjects before because I always get to read different stories particularly fantasies and fairy tales, even about legends and myths! But this reading books of mine declined not entirely. I still like but not love reading books and mostly I end up reading them unfinished. But the fact that, even though I haven't finished reading the books I had before, it inspired me to write stories of my own. Stories of different things. I used to write stories about fairy tales before. When I turned 12, I started to make a novel, 5 novels to be exact. I swear I have the proof of it when we get to our hometown province hoping that they are still there.Most of this novels are about love. I know, too young to write things about love. The sad part is that, I never had this silly novels I had read by anyone. I read them alone.

When I reached high school, I started to read simple poems. So, this inspired me again to compose a poem of my own. I had these collections of poem in my laptop and read them when I got nothing else to do or when the internet connection is driving me nuts. That time, I read our school paper and it also inspired me to write an article. I started off my mimicking a magazine that I love. Then, I tried to pass one of my articles to the school paper staff and good thing, they accepted it. I was so happy and I realized that writing is my passion. I haven't had any tutor or teacher for it, neither an editor. Actually I just used the Microsoft word to check my spelling and grammar. However, the final outputs for my articles for the papers are done by the editorial staff. As I go on passing my articles, during my senior year in high school, I was promoted as a feature writer.

Previously, I started to make another novel, but I got REALLY lazy. I had nothing to write, nothing in mind, just the overview of the story and nothing else. It did not inspire me to elaborate it. I thought this writing hobby of mine will be over but fortunately I still got it haha! I know I am not that good, I just use simple words but who the heck cares right? It's the way I express myself and I do not intend it to be perfect. Even experts of writing can have mistakes too.

The reason I started this blog is that my mind couldn't really stop thinking about things and it wanted me to take my eager hands on the keyboard to do the action. So here it is again. But I cannot assure that I will be posting blogs from time to time because most of the time, I get lazy. It is only now that I wonder why I get myself into writing again.

I know these are long paragraphs and you might be getting bored to read everything, but your patronage is appreciated - HIGHLY appreciated.

and it ends here... follow me for another post!!

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